Motorized Antenna Trainer with 10 Antennas (MI-AT10M)
An antenna is a device that is used to convert guided electromagnetic waves into electrical signals and vice versa
(i.e. either in transmitting mode or in receiving mode of operation). Mine Motorized Antenna Trainer MI-AT10M is a bench-top antenna system design to demonstrate all concepts of an antenna operations. Student can learn easily about various type of antenna operation with their polar plot. This system comes with a motorized antenna unit to record radiation pattern automatically of any antenna mounted on it.
• Study of Polar Plots and Polarization.
• Study of wave modulation and demodulation.
• Study of Antenna Gain.
• Study of Antenna beam width.
• Study of matching Stub.
• Study of SWR measurement.
• Study of Antenna radiation and distance.
• Plotting the Polar graph/ radiation pattern of
an Antenna using software