Bridge Trainer (MI-IN08)

Bridge Trainer 3 (MI-IN08) has been designed specifically to demonstrate the importance of AC Bridges. Three different type of AC bridges designed in trainer due to this it is extremely useful laboratory kit which provides facilities for hand on experience to various experiments in the field of instrumentation. This trainer provides all necessary inputs and connections for student to study Maxwell’s Bridge, De-sauty’s Bridge & Owen’s Bridge. This kit is extensively designed for institutions to train/teach their students in more effective manner about bridge circuits.



• Easy Illustration of AC (Maxwell’s, De Sauty’s & Owen’s) Bridges
• On Boards set of Component Bank
• Excellent calibration stability.
• Digital display (DPM) for null detection
• Attractive shocked proof ABS plastic cabinet


• Determination of unknown Inductance by using Maxwell bridge
• Determination of unknown Capacitance by using Maxwell bridge
• Determination of unknown capacitance by using De Sauty’s bridge
• Determination of unknown Inductance by using Owen’s bridge