Dielectric-Measurement-set-up-at-Low-High-Temperature (MI-DM6)

Mine Instruments works in the Electronics and Mechanical field and have a strong presence in Education and
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A Cryostat (from Cryo meaning cold and State meaning stable) is a device used to maintain low Cryogenic
temperature of samples or devices mounted within the Cryostat. Low temperatures may be maintained within a Cryostat by using various refrigeration methods, most commonly using cryogenic fluid such as Liquid Nitrogen.

Furnace is Pot type heat treatment equipment used to change physical properties of samples at very high
temperature; for example, 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 600°C and 1000°C. These laboratory furnaces are widely used in scientific experiments in physics lab, steel and paint industries, biotech companies and small industrial production etc.


Dielectric Measurement Set-up at Low Temperature Using Cryostat


• Temperature range: -172°C to 52°C
• Fully controllable
• Based on Nitrogen Cooling Element

Dielectric Measurement Set-up at High Temperature Using Furnace

• Fully controllable
• Provision for external sensors
• Heater protection facility
• RS-232 / USB interface facility
• Based on Kanthal heating element